Radioiodinated doxorubicin as a new tumor imaging model: preparation, biological evaluation, docking and molecular dynamics
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Springer Netherlands
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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Scientific Journal Rankings
Abstract: Non-invasive molecular imaging techniques are accruing more interest in the last decades. Several radiolabelling elements have been FDA-approved and are currently used to characterize tumors. In this study, the DNA intercalating agent doxorubicin was radiolabelled with 125I. Several parameters for the radiolabelling reaction were investigated and optimized. A maximum yield of 94 � 0.3% was reached after reacting 20�?g of doxorubicin with 200�?g Chloramine-T at pH 5 for 30�min. The in vivo stability of 125I-doxorubicin is validated by the low propensity for thyroid uptake in mice. The preclinical T/NT ratio was approximately 6.4 at 30 min. Docking and molecular dynamics confirmed that the radiolabelling of doxorubicin did not affect (or slightly improved its binding to DNA). Overall, 125I-doxorubicin was demonstrated to be a promising non-invasive probe for solid tumor imaging. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. � 2018, Akad�miai Kiad�, Budapest, Hungary.
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Doxorubicin, Molecular docking, Molecular dynamics, Radioidination, Tumor imaging, doxorubicin, doxorubicin i 125, iodine 125, tosylchloramide sodium, tracer, unclassified drug, animal experiment, animal model, animal tissue, Article, DNA drug complex, Ehrlich ascites tumor, female, isotope labeling, molecular docking, molecular dynamics, molecular imaging, mouse, nonhuman, organ distribution, thyroid gland