Factors Affecting Customer Citizenship Behavior: A Model of University Students
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Canadian Center of Science and Education
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International Journal of Marketing Studies;Vol. 10, No. 1; 2018
Scientific Journal Rankings
The purpose of this research is to measure the dimensions of student citizenship behavior and the extent of student
satisfaction, loyalty, commitment, and trust as integrated factors are antecedents of student citizenship behavior in
universities. A sample of 400 students in two private universities in Egypt was selected randomly and a
structured questionnaire was used to collect the research data. The student citizenship behavior was found to
contain two types of voluntary behavior; voluntary cooperative behavior and voluntary participation behavior.
Also, despite the strong and significant interrelationships between the four antecedents of student citizenship
behavior, student satisfaction and loyalty can be considered the strongest antecedents of all dimensions of
student citizenship behavior in universities. The main implication of this research is that universities should
consider students as valuable resources in both their formal roles and voluntary behavior that support the
educational environment of a university. The research suggests satisfied and loyal students provide advantages to
their universities not only through spreading positive word of mouth about their universities, attending further
education in the future and supporting their universities in the community but also through their positive
voluntary behavior.
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October University for University of Student Satisfaction, Student Citizenship Behavior
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