Incidence of Human Cytomegalovirus in Breast Carcinoma Tissues is Associated with A Higher Expression of Growth Factor Receptor-Bound Protein 2
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The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
Series Info
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine;(April 2019) Vol. 75 (3), Page 2358-2365
Scientific Journal Rankings
Background: female mammary carcinoma is the second most common cancer incidence among women and the fifth
most common leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Premenopausal young women are more frequently targeted
by inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), which is the most lethal form of breast cancer. The human cytomegalovirus
(HCMV) has been identified as one of the viral infection with a higher frequency in carcinoma tissues of IBC than
in non-IBC. The adaptor protein growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), was found to be upregulated in
HCMV-infected cells and play as crucial role in cancer progression.
Objective: this study aimed to assess the expression level of Grb2 in carcinoma tissues of IBC and non-IBC with
HCMV infection.
Patients and Methods: overall, 135 female diagnosed with breast carcinoma were enrolled in this study. Using
conventional and real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we determined the incidence of HCMV and assessed
the expression level of Grb2 mRNA in the breast cancer tissue samples.
Results: Grb2 mRNA was significantly upregulated in HCMV+
IBC higher than in HCMV+ non-IBC. According to
the molecular subtype, Grb2 mRNA was significantly higher upregulated in breast carcinoma tissues of HCMV+
hormonal positive (HP) than in triple negative (TN) counterparts.
Conclusion: HCMV infection is associated with a high expression of Grb2 mRNA in IBC and that HP HCMV+
mammary carcinoma tissues confer upregulated Grb2 mRNA, suggesting a potential role of HCMV infection in
enhancing of Grb2 mRNA expression in breast cancer with HP.
MSA Google Scholar
Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2, human cytomegalovirus, inflammatory breast cancer
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