A Quality by Design Paradigm for Albumin‑Based Nanoparticles: Formulation Optimization and Enhancement of the Antitumor Activity
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Springer New York
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation;
Scientific Journal Rankings
Albumin nanoparticles are promising carriers for therapeutic agents, owing to their biocompatibility, safety, and
versatility in fabrication. The formulation of albumin nanoparticles is highly afected by many product and process variables,
resulting in a great variation in these nanoparticles. The aim of this work was to formulate and optimize albumin nanopar-
ticles loaded with silymarin, as a model drug with low bioavailability, for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, using
quality by design (QbD) approach.
Methods A thorough risk assessment for albumin nanoparticles formulation was developed and a complete quality product
profle was defned using the QbD approach. A D-optimal design was used to optimize the amount of albumin and drug,
which signifcantly afected the particle size (PS) and the entrapment efciency (EE%), which was further tested on hepa-
tocellular carcinoma.
Results A design space was constructed, with an optimized formula showing a PS of 135 nm, a polydispersity index (PDI)
of 0.09, an EE% of 88%, and a zeta potential of−12.5 mV. The optimized formula (O1) with spherical particles, showed an
extended-release rate as compared to free silymarin. Moreover, a pronounced anti-proliferation activity of O1 was observed
on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 than the free drug. The fow cytometric analysis of the cell cycle showed
a signifcant suppression of the S-phase after treating the HepG2 cell with O1, but not with free silymarin.
Conclusion Thus, a detailed QbD study has been conducted, with deep product and process understanding, and resulted in
a successful formulation of silymarin albumin nanoparticles for the suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Risk assessment ·, D-Optimal design ·, Hepatocellular carcinoma ·, Quality Target Product Profile ·, Optimization