Receptivity to 2010 Census Messages Among the General Public and Hard-toenumerate Populations
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OMICS Publishing Group
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Mass Communication & Journalism;
Scientific Journal Rankings
Message receptivity is a construct that represents rational and affective reactions to messages and has been
used to predict changes in attitudes toward public service advertising. Health communication studies show that
receptivity can act as a mediator of behavior change. This study extends the receptivity construct to prediction of
Census participation.
The 2010 Census Integrated Communication Campaign Evaluation measured receptivity to the 2010 Integrated
Communication Campaign, an advertising campaign designed to promote Census participation. This study aimed
to identify differences in receptivity to Census messages between advertisements and targeted populations and
opportunities to improve messages in future.
Measured items loaded onto a single receptivity factor. We regressed Census cognitions and behaviors on the
receptivity factor in the general population and examined differences between hard-to-enumerate subpopulations
targeted by the campaign. Higher receptivity was associated with more positive cognitions about the 2010 ICC.
Higher receptivity was also associated with more positive attitudes and beliefs about the Census. Receptivity was
associated with higher Census participation among some hard-to-enumerate populations and is an important
construct for future media campaigns
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Message receptivity, Media, MASS COMMUNICATION, Hard-to-reach