Valorization potential of Egyptian mango kernel waste product as analyzed viaGC/MS metabolites profling from diferent cultivars and geographical origins
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Nature Publishing Group
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Scientifc Reports;(2024) 14:2886
Scientific Journal Rankings
Increasing attention has been given to mango (Mangifera indica) fruits owing to their characteristic
taste, and rich nutritional value. Mango kernels are typically discarded as a major waste product
in mango industry, though of potential economic value. The present study aims to outline the frst
comparison of diferent mango kernel cvs. originated from diferent localities alongside Egypt, e.g.,
Sharqia, Suez, Ismailia, and Giza. Gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) post silylation
analysis revealed that sugars were the major class being detected at 3.5–290.9 µg/mg, with some
kernels originating from Sharqia province being the richest amongst other cvs. In consistency with
sugar results, sugar alcohols predominated in Sharqia cvs. at 1.3–38.1 µg/mg represented by ribitol,
iditol, pinitol, and myo-inositol. No major variation was observed in the fatty acids profle either based
on cv. type or localities, with butyl caprylate as a major component in most cvs. identifed for the
frst time in mango. Regarding phenolics, Sedeeq cv. represented the highest level at 18.3 µg/mg and
showing distinct variation among cvs. posing phenolics as better classifcation markers than sugars.
Multivariate data analyses (MVA) confrmed that the premium cvs “Aweis and Fons” were less enriched
in sugars, i.e., fructose, talose, and glucose compared to the other cvs. Moreover, MVA of Zabdeya cv.
collected from three localities revealed clear segregation to be chemically distinct. Sharqia originated
mango kernels were rich in sugars (e.g., glucose and fructose), whilst sarcosine esters predominated in
other origins.