Enhancing Tumor Targeting Efficiency of Radiolabeled Uridine (Via) Incorporation Into Nanocubosomal Dispersions
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Cancer Biother Radiopharm.;
Scientific Journal Rankings
Background: Several nanosystems are currently being utilized to enhance the targeting efficiency of several cancer chemotherapeutic agents. This study was designed to improve tumor accumulation of iodine-125 (125I)-uridine via incorporation into a nanocubosomal preparation. Materials and Methods: Nanocubosomes were prepared with the aid of Glycerol mono-oleate and Pluronic F127. Each prepared nanocubosomal preparation was adequately characterized by testing their particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ZP), and transmission electron microscopy. The radiolabeling of uridine with 125I was attempted using several oxidizing agents to achieve a high radiochemical yield, and the factors affecting the reaction yield were studied in detail. A comparative biodistribution study of free 125I-uridine and 125I-uridine loaded nanocubosomes was performed in normal and tumor bearing mice. The biodistribution was evaluated by intravenous injection of the sterile test solution, and animals were anesthetized and dissected at different time intervals postinjection (p.i.). Results: 125I-uridine was obtained in a high radiochemical yield (92.5% ± 0.8%). Afterward, 125I uridine was incorporated in a selected nanocubosome formulation, which showed nanosized cubic particles (178.6 ± 0.90 nm) with PDI (0.301 ± 0.04) and a ZP (34.35 ± 0.4). The biodistribution studies revealed that 125I-uridine nanocubosomes showed higher tumor localization (3.1 ± 0.4%IA/g at 2 h p.i. and a tumor/muscle ratio of 6.2) compared with the free 125I-uridine (2.7% ± 0.4%IA/g at 2 h p.i. and a tumor/muscle ratio of 3.3). Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that 125I-uridine loaded nanocubosome had better efficiency in targeting the tumor site, which makes it an adequate targeting agent for tumor imaging.
university of uridine, tumor targeting, radioiodination, nanocubosomes, biodistribution