Causes and Effects for Feminization Segregation
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open science
Series Info
American Journal of Social Sciences;2018; 6(4): 55-64
Scientific Journal Rankings
Development of any nation requires specific aspects to be fulfilled. One of these aspects is Gender Equality. Gender equality is
having an equal treatment between men and women in all aspects whether economic, political or social aspects. Recently, the
concept of Gender Equality began to be accepted globally. Although many countries successfully achieved gender equality, yet
still many countries are lagging behind and suffer from feminization segregation. Feminization segregation is mainly
concentrated in the Middle Eastern countries. So, the purpose of this paper is to tackle the phenomena of feminization
segregation in three Middle Eastern countries which are: Egypt, Jordan and Turkey. Also, the objective of this paper is to
examine whether these three countries tried to solve feminization segregation by adopting different policies or not.
Accordingly, this paper focused on examining specific indicators to study to what extent the problem still exists. These
indicators included: Female Labor Force (%), the global gender gap index and the gender inequality index. Our analysis
proved that there were policies adopted in these three countries that succeeded in improving the amount of segregation. But,
such measures were not enough to solve the whole problem. Finally, feminization segregation is a serious phenomenon that
does not only need some policies to be adopted but also needs the mentalities of the people to change. Also, it needs the
awareness of the people to increase to be aware of the serious consequences of feminization segregation.
October University for university of Feminization, Labor Market, Inequality