Comparative Botanical Study and DNA Finger Printing of Certain Eugenia Species Growing in Egypt

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Series Info

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research;8


Objective: to discriminate between six Eugenia species growing in Egypt based on their micro-morphological and genetic characterization. Methods: For establishment of different botanical and genetic criteria, this study presents a comparative investigation of the botanical features of the leaves and stems through microscopically investigation of the prepared entire, transverse sections and isolated elements of these organs. Furthermore, the DNA of the six Eugenia species was extracted from leaf samples and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis using six primers of arbitrary sequences. Results: Comparative botanical characters of the different organs were identified. On the other hand, the total number of amplified product was 68 fragments, which were generated by the six primers; the primer HB-09 recorded 55.5% as the highest percentage of polymorphism. As well as, the primer HB-44 recorded 54.5% polymorphism. The primer HB-15 recorded the lowest percentage of polymorphism (10%) and the highest degree of similarity (90%). Conclusion: For the present study, microscopical characters, as well as, DNA fingerprinting can be considered as the identifying parameters to authenticate and differentiate between the six Eugenia species under study.



University of Eugenia Species, Myrtaceae
