Compact UWB LPF based on uni-planar metamaterial complementary split ring resonator

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Abdalla M.A.
Arafa G.
Saad M.

Journal Title

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Conference Paper


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Series Info

2016 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2016

Scientific Journal Rankings


This paper presents a compact ultra-wide low pass filter based on a new configuration of metamaterial complementary split ring resonator. The resonator is etched in the top plane of the microstrip as new contribution for using it in filter applications. The filter has insertion loss close to 0 dB over the frequency band DC up to 10.8 GHz. Also, the filter has the advantage of small size (18 mm � 7 mm) whose length is only about 32% of the guided wave length at mid frequency. Different order types of this filter are discussed in the paper. The filter design is explained and its performance is validated using full wave simulation and experimental measurements. Very good agreement between the two results is achieved which confirm the theoretical design. � 2016 IEEE.




October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب, University of Modern Sciences and Arts, MSA University, Frequency bands, Guided electromagnetic wave propagation, Low pass filters, Magnetic materials, Metamaterials, Microwave filters, Optical resonators, Resonators, Ring gages, Complementary split ring resonators, Filter applications, Filter designs, Full-wave simulations, Microstripes, Mid-frequencies, Order types, Theoretical design, Microstrip filters
