MULTIFUNCTION GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Towards upgrading urban ecosystem in Cairo

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Attention to green infrastructure and urban ecosystem is a result of needs for upgrading of ecological environment and social life of the city. Urban ecosystems are complicated and overlapping with other systems, such as economic, social and human activities that may cause conflict and negative/positive impact according to the nature of activity. Multifunction green infrastructure is an effective approach for enriching urban ecosystem. Green infrastructure leads to adaptation and even transformation of future and faces challenges such as climate change, food insecurity and limited resources . Cairo ecosystem faces a lot of challenges that may affect the urban, cultural, heritage, economic and environmental aspects of one of the oldest capitals of the world. Biodiversity in Cairo is a key element could help in implementation of Multifunction green infrastructure strategy despite of all culture and awareness challenges . The research methodology is divided into a theoretical review that discusses main concepts related to Green infrastructure such as: Landscape Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, Landscape Services, Multifunctional Landscape, Urban Green space, Green infrastructure and a field study conducted by the author upon which the action plan was based.


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Multifunctional, Green infrastructure, Urban, Ecosystem


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