The Impact of Virtual Reality on Customers Attitude (Applied on the Egyptian Coptic Museum)
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Mohamed, Salah Radwan
Hussein, Assem Mostafa
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Faculty Of Management Sciences Graduation Project
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Virtual reality on the consumer’s attitude applied on the Coptic museum.
In this research, the researchers used the two types of data which are secondary, and primary data to collect more information and complete this study successfully, for the secondary data the researchers used previous articles to measure the relationship between Virtual reality and consumer's Attitude , and for the primary data, the researchers conducted in-depth interview with experts, and assessing the results of the conducted questionnaires among 111 participants , and the results of this study was conducted by using IBM’s statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) - Findings: In this research the researchers found that there is a strong relationship between the Virtual reality technology and customers attitude.
Investigating the effect of Virtual reality on customer’s attitude is very important nowadays for marketers, to know well how the consumers think, and feel about the products, also to know the aspects that the consumers considered when think to buy a specific product, and also to know how to attract them by using the correct tools in the marketing campaigns.
Faculty Of Management Graduation Project 2020 - 2022
جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب, October University For Modern Science and Arts, MSA, University For Modern Science and Arts, Marketing, Virtual reality, Customer Attitude, Effect of VR technology, Tourism Sector
Faculty Of Management Graduation Marketing