Numerical behavior of a fractional order dynamical model of RNA silencing
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International Journal of Scientific World
Series Info
nternational Journal of Scientific World;4 (2) (2016) 52-56
Scientific Journal Rankings
A class of fractional-order differential models of RNA silencing with memory is presented in this paper. We also carry out a detailed
analysis on the stability of equilibrium and we show that the model established in this paper possesses non-negative solutions. Numerical
solutions are obtained using a predictor-corrector method to handle the fractional derivatives. The fractional derivatives are described in
the Caputo sense. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the results. Also, the numerical simulations show that, modeling the
phenomena of RNA silencing by fractional ordinary differential equations (FODE) has more advantages than classical integer-order
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Fractional Calculus, RNA Silencing Fractional Order Model, Predictor-Corrector Method
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