The pink support

dc.AffiliationOctober University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)  
dc.contributor.authorElhefnawy, Nouran Amr Amin
dc.description.abstractThis experience is about Bekia, a group of youth who are willing to change Egyptian habit of mixing all types of waste, without understanding the problematic results, which they are complained from. Pre-production considers an important step for documentary, which went well, as I’ve contacted with the CEO before the beginning of the semester to make sure that everything is settled. I met Mohamed Zohdy to tell him about the shooting process and had again a long discussion about bekia, and took an appointment to start recording and shooting their process. In the production stage, I had many problems due to could delay of the conducted date for about three times. At this time, I was afraid from not being able to finish the project because I was too late from starting the process. Then, we could conduct suitable two days for shooting, but I wanted to shoot with clients, no one accepted. I wanted to present both sides, clients of bekia and people who aren’t making process of sorting waste. I asked her for recording voice instead of shooting to feel more secured. The main problem revolves around shooting, different angles and movements, because I don’t have the ability to rent or buy additional equipment above camera, mic and tripod. Besides, shooting alone with one camera, results lack of diversification in angels and low of third, concentrate in every single detail with tension of being under pressure to finish in specific time, or day because they don’t have enough time and I couldn’t shoot with bekia more than two times due to their work condition.The main sequence was hard to be discussed what shape or story line it should take. Also, learning new transitions and editing ways took a lot of time to be familiar with.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDR : Afaf Tobalaen_US
dc.identifier.citationCopyright © 2019 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.en_US
dc.publisherOctober university for modern sciences and artsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMcom Distinguished graduation projects Spring 2019 Broadcasting Dept.;
dc.subjectOctober university for modern sciences and artsen_US
dc.subjectuniversity of modern sciences and artsen_US
dc.subjectMSA universityen_US
dc.subjectجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الأدابen_US
dc.titleThe pink supporten_US
