DoA estimation with reflectarray according to single pixel camera principle
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Book chapter
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3rd International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing (CoSeRa);Pages : 268-272
Scientific Journal Rankings
This paper suggests using a tunable reflectarray as
a hardware source of Sensing Functions (SFs) for Direction
of Arrival (DoA) estimation based on Compressed Sensing
(CS). Reflectarray is much more scalable than a conventional
antenna array. This higher scalability can be exploited to build
a measurement hardware with large aperture and high number
of degrees of freedom. We introduce the simplified reflectarray
propagation model, based on which we propose a number of
possible measurement architectures, for each of them we show
how the Sensing Matrix (SM) will be defined. Finally, a typical
non-sparse beampattern is obtained using numeric simulation.
MSA Google Scholar
University of Direction-of-arrival estimation, Compressed Sensing, Reflectarray
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