Complexity considerations: efficient image transmission over mobile communications channels

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MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS;Volume: 78 Issue: 12 Pages: 16633-16664


Scientific Journal Rankings


In this paper the computational complexity of the image transmission over mobile communications channel is investigated. The computational complexity due to the amount of transmitted data and the utilized data protection schemes is analyzed over wireless channel with the different image transmission scenarios. The proposed secured and efficient protection technique is presented in this research work with lower computational complexity. The presented technique is based on chaotic-Baker encryption which is utilized as an interleaver to randomize the data packet in the proposed secured interleaved channel coding technique. The proposed technique is evaluated utilizing convolutional codes with different constraint lengths and single error correction block code. Different images with the size variation are utilized for evaluating the proposed image transmission scenarios. Numerical analysis of the different scenarios is presented. The secret key generation of chaotic-Baker encryption is discussed; it can be generated automatically or manually. Several computer simulation experiments are carried out to evaluate the proposed techniques performance. Different objective measures error based metrics are used such as the Bit Error Rate (BER), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Number of Lost packet percentage (NLP%) to measure the error performance of the proposed technique and quality of the received images. Simulation results reveal a good performance and the superiority of the proposed technique with lower computational complexity of the proposed image transmission scenarios.


Accession Number: WOS:000472094500041


University for Secured interleaved channel coding technique, Data computational complexity, Chaotic-Baker interleaver, Wireless communications, Mobility, Image transmission


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