Towards a data warehouse testing framework

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2011 Ninth International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering;


Data warehouse (DW) testing is a very critical stage in the DW development because decisions are made based on the information resulting from the DW. So, testing the quality of the resulting information will support the trustworthiness of the DW system. A number of approaches were made to describe how the testing process should take place in the DW environment. In this paper we will present briefly these testing approaches, and then a proposed matrix that structures the DW testing routines will be used to evaluate and compare these approaches. Afterwards an analysis of the comparison matrix will highlight the weakness points that exist in the available DW testing approaches. Finally, we will point out the requirements towards achieving a homogeneous DW testing framework. In the end, we will conclude our work


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October University for University for Data Warehouse Testing, Testing, Data Warehouse Quality
