Effect of erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet 2.7 nm laser on debonding of CAD/CAM endocrowns

dc.AffiliationOctober University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)
dc.contributor.authorHawary A.E.L.
dc.contributor.authorAbbas A.
dc.contributor.authorHarhash T.
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Prosthodontics
dc.contributor.otherMSA University
dc.contributor.otherNational Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences
dc.contributor.otherEgypt; National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences
dc.contributor.otherCairo University
dc.description.abstractThe most common method for the removal of all-ceramic restorations is to use a highspeed handpiece with a stone or bur. Unfortunately, this process can be difficult, time-consuming and may lead to the loss of healthy tooth structures. Lasers have been suggested and used to remove ceramic orthodontic brackets, laminate veneers and full anatomical crowns. Aim: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the debonding effect of ErCr: YSGG on CAD/CAM end crown restorations. Materials and methods: Overall, 30 molar samples were prepared for this study and divided into two groups as follows: Group A(n = 15: Endocrowns subjected to ErCr: YSGG laser application. Group B(n = 15): Endocrowns not subjected to the laser (control). Endocrowns were fabricated from lithium disilicate ceramics and manufactured using a CAD/CAM machine. Cementation was done using Bisco Duo Link Universal resin cement. ErCr:YSGG laser was used with wavelength 2780 nm, 0.3J energy, 10 Hz frequency and 1000 m tip size. Pull out test was done using a universal testing machine. Results: It was found that Non-laser group recorded statistically significant (p < 0.05) higher mean value (258.14 63.43 N) for debonding than Laser group mean value (156.66. 32.89 N) as indicated by student t-test.Additionally, no carbonization at the dentin/cement interface was observed. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, ErCr: YSGG application can be considered a conservative method for the debonding of all ceramic endocrowns. Clinical significance: Some practitioners have been against the use of endocrown restorations due to the difficulty faced in removal and retrieval, the use of laser is an alternative, effective and conservative method. 2019, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.identifier.doiPubMed ID :
dc.identifier.otherPubMed ID :
dc.publisherJaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltden_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorld Journal of Dentistry
dc.subjectجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب
dc.subjectMSA University
dc.subjectUniversity for Modern Sciences and Arts
dc.subjectOctober University for Modern Sciences and Arts
dc.subjectAll ceramic restorationen_US
dc.subjectAnd garnet 2.7 nm laser on debonding of CAD/CAM endocrownsen_US
dc.subjectChromium-doped yttriumen_US
dc.subjectEffect of erbiumen_US
dc.titleEffect of erbium, chromium-doped yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet 2.7 nm laser on debonding of CAD/CAM endocrownsen_US
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