Screening of GMO in different food products and fruits

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ElRouby, Mariam Tarek Hassan Mukhtar

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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts

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Detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and fruits is a vital issue for all the subjects involved in food control and consumer’s right. As a consequence of the growing number of GMOs imported to Egypt during the past few years, it has become an important issue to screen food products with the purpose of determining the identity of the daily consumed products. In this investigation, following the extraction of genomic DNA from 25 samples different processed foods that are sold commercially in Egypt, qualitative polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect genetically modified maize, soybean and other plants. The recombinant DNA target sequences were detected with primers highly specific for each investigated transgene such as CaMV35s gene and NOS terminator while gel electrophoresis was performed to ensure the presence of a genetically modified organisms in the commercial products. According to the PCR products, the results shown that 13 out of 25 food samples were containing soybean and showed positive results with CaMV35s promoter except sample 13 showed positive results with both NOS terminator and CaMV35s promoter confirming that all these samples contain genetically modified genes. Although, 4 samples out of 25 samples tested positive with CaMV35s promoter at size 195bp for maize showing the presence of GMO. All of the positive samples were detected with BT11 and Roundup for maize and soybean respectively. The fruits samples number 9 and 25 were confirmed GMO due to the presence of CaMV35s promoter in both samples. The results proved the presence of GM maize, soybean and fruit samples in Egypt food products, strengthening the necessity for the development of a strong labeling system and valid qualitative methods in routine analyses before the products are commercially sold.


Faculty Of Biotechnology Graduation Project 2019 - 2020


GMO, University of Modern Sciences and Arts, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, MSA University, جامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الآداب, Detection, DNA extraction, Soybean, Maize, Polymerase chain reaction


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