IMC Campaign Aiming to Change Violent Behavior Among B Class Young Adults in Egypt
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Osama, Salma
Abdelsamei, Hebatallah
El-Ogail, Haya Hossam Radwan
Abdel Karim, Yasmeen
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October university for modern sciences and arts
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Mcom Distinguished graduation projects Spring 2019 Broadcasting Dept.;
Scientific Journal Rankings
Violence as a worldwide issue, is considered to be a large phenomenon nowadays as it is influenced culturally through the evolvement of both principles and social norms. It was also indicated that there are distinctive factors such as damage in society, and cultural impact that can act as the core aim behind the development of both basis and collective norms that triggers violence (WHO, 2002). Moreover, there was another essential implication to be specified is that violence falls in four diverse types which are physical, sexual, intellectual and feeling of disregarding. For this reason, it was mentioned by Krantz & Garcia-Moreno (2005) that these performances effects negatively as certain outcomes such as making suicidal action, and even self-preservation which as a matter of fact can have damaging effect on partner’s societal, political or economical issues. According to Krug (2002), violence was defined as the purposeful use of physical power, threatening against oneself or another person, or against a community that either effects a high probability of consequences or causing in damage, death, mental harm, and several deficiencies. It was mentioned by WHO (2002) that violence against females is extensively widespread across high-, middle- and low–income nations. Current global occurrence specifies that about (35%) of females internationally have gone through either physical or sexual violence in their lifetime or even with their belonged ones (as cited in Duvvury et al, 2015). Another essential aspect to be mentioned is that the majority of violence behavior was manipulated by the wife’s husband in Egypt which shoes that violence acts as a phenomenon in most Egyptian families (Duvvury et al, 2015). As a matter of fact, these violence behaviors lead to 86% of psychological problems within women which resulted to negative consequences in the future as they will treat their children and even their surroundings with discomfort. It was mentioned by Emry (2006) that as an outcome of marital violence on kids, it may be imitated on their performance such as sadness and distress. Moreover, to emerging a more forceful behavior (as cited in Duvvury et al, 2015). Consequently, it was proven in more depth that certain interactive consequences occur which effects both long and short-term. It was also shown that extra 300,000 families that consisted of 74.2 % have kids that experienced from hallucinations and fear as a consequence of marital violence in the previous year. As an impact, it was shown that 110,000 families that consisted of 24.7 % have kids became more forceful throughout previous year. As the issue of violence have always been available in Egyptian society, it has impacted negatively on the behaviors of individuals and even on their daily routine which as a matter of fact shows how violence is mostly utilized as a tool to solve problems instead of thinking rationally towards the situation that is presented. Moreover, violence has been contributed in Egyptian streets and even in society as a whole, therefore; this issue is essential to be tackled in depth in order to know and be acknowledged of the reasons behind such an action. In addition to, this issue is harmful to society which therefore should be tackled in depth to prevent any further incidents or problematic consequences. Through conducting this research, it aims to facilitate and examine the core effects that was the reason behind the whole issue towards violence between individuals and even their surroundings including their family members and their beloved ones. As a result, by examining the issue of violence through two research methods which are by primary and secondary research it will contribute positively as new ideas and ideologies will be stated. By doing these strategies, it will make the audience reach successful results that will later on benefit the overall campaign purpose and goal. Taking into consideration, there should be reasons focusing on the issue in details to figure out the causes that leads to huge consequences of violence behavior. Hence, by choosing this specific topic for the graduation project was to show to the audience how we should tackle and solve such an issue as it is considered to be a phenomenon that is spread in many people’s lives nowadays.
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