The Impact of Cost Stickiness on Sustainability Factors

dc.AffiliationOctober University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)  
dc.contributor.authorHamed Anwar, Amr
dc.contributor.authorRaafat Hussein, Hussein
dc.contributor.authorMaher Mohamed, Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorAkram Younan, Patrick
dc.descriptionFaculty Of Management Graduation Project 2020 - 2021en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of the research paper is to investigate the impact of cost stickiness (CS) on firms Sustainability disclosure and performance. The study employs a sample size of 30 Egyptian Real Estate companies listed in the Egyptian stock exchange market which is taken from 4 years (2016-2019). Test of hypothesis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis have been conducted using SPSS software. The research provides empirical evidence that there is a positive significant relationship between sustainability and cost stickiness. This means that the cost stickiness affects the sustainability of the firms, so if the cost stickiness increase the sustainability of the firm increases, finally the research showed that there is a negative insignificant relationship between firm performance and cost stickiness.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr Mohamed El Deeben_US
dc.identifier.citationCopyright © 2021 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.en_US
dc.publisherMSA UNIVERSITYen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesManagement Graduation Project;2021;
dc.subjectFaculty Of Management Graduation Project 2020 - 2021en_US
dc.subjectmodern science and arts universityen_US
dc.subjectOctober University for Modern Sciences and Artsen_US
dc.subjectMSA Universityen_US
dc.subjectCost Stickinessen_US
dc.subjectSustainability Disclosureen_US
dc.subjectReturn on Equityen_US
dc.subjectReal Estate.en_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Cost Stickiness on Sustainability Factorsen_US
