MSA Journals

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    (October university for modern sciences and Arts (MSA), 2024) Halim1, Yasser Tawfik; El-Deeb2, Mohamed S.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of reference groups on the purchase intentions of Egyptian Automotive customers. The design and methodology of this research involve a survey questionnaire to collect data from a sample of Egyptian Automotive customers. The study examines the types of reference group influences, the roles within reference groups, and the impact of reference groups on buyer's purchase intentions. The findings indicate that reference groups have a significant effect on the purchase intentions of Egyptian Automotive customers. Moreover, normative influence is found to be the most influential type of reference group influence. The originality and value of this research lie in its contribution to the understanding of the Egyptian Automotive customer's purchase decision-making process and the influence of reference groups on this process. This study can benefit marketing practitioners in developing effective marketing strategies to target specific reference groups and increase their influence on the target market.
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    Balancing Technocentric and Ecocentric Approaches: Integrating Ethnocultural Perspectives in Environmental Policies of Finland and Bhutan
    (October University Modern Sciences And Arts MSA, 2024) Abdo, Doaa Mohamed Salman; Halim, Yasser Tawfik
    This study delves into the intricate relationship between technology, ecology, and culture and its significant implications for environmental policies and marketing strategies on a global scale. By focusing on Finland and Bhutan as comparative case studies, the research explores the dynamics of ecocentrism, technocentrism, and ethnocentrism and their influence on sustainable development efforts and business practices. Through a comprehensive analysis, the study integrates marketing concepts such as sustainable marketing, green marketing strategies, and corporate social responsibility to gain a deeper understanding of how environmental and cultural perspectives intersect with and impact business practices. It uncovers the complex dynamics of technological reliance, ecological conservation, and cultural biases, shedding light on the formulation of more inclusive and effective environmental policies and marketing strategies. The research highlights the need for a nuanced perspective that considers the interplay between environmental, technological, and socio-cultural factors. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of these factors in order to develop holistic solutions to pressing environmental concerns. By integrating cultural perspectives, the study aims to enhance business and marketing strategies and contribute to sustainable development practices.
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    Examining Resilience in the Link between Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions among Business Administration Students
    (MSA University, 2023-11) Abdel-Kader, Noha Fawzy; Abi El Hassan, Yomna Mohsen; Tawfik, Yasser Halim
    The objective of this study is to explore the relationship among self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention among students participating in Faculty of Business Administration. Additionally, it seeks to explore the mediating role of resilience in this relationship. The research adopts a quantitative research approach , using a survey questionnaire to gather data from a group of students studying Business Administration.. Validated scales are used to assess self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. The primary results of the research indicate that students with elevated self-efficacy levels are more inclined to possess more robust entrepreneurial intentions.. However, this relationship is partially moderated by resilience. Students who demonstrate higher levels of resilience tend to translate their self-efficacy beliefs into more concrete entrepreneurial intentions. These findings suggest that both self-efficacy and resilience play crucial roles in influencing students' entrepreneurial mindset and readiness to engage in entrepreneurial activities. This study adds to the current knowledge by investigating how resilience mediates the link between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. The findings provide valuable insights for educational institutions and policymakers in designing effective entrepreneurship education programs to foster entrepreneurial mindsets among students, thus promoting economic progress and innovation. By understanding the factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions, stakeholders can implement targeted strategies to support aspiring entrepreneurs effectively.
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    (October university for modern sciences and arts, 2023) Halim, Yasser Tawfik; Eldeeb, Mohamed Samy; Zaazu, Zeinab Abbas; Vlachos, Peter
    This study investigates the correlation between viewer demographics and the perception of political correctness in advertising, and its impact on brand image and purchase intentions. Using a mixed methods case study research approach, we conducted brand manager interviews, 17 consumer interviews, and a survey with n = 296 participants, all of whom were familiar with the non-alcoholic beer brand Birell. Our analysis examined the relationship between demographic variables and the perceptions of political correctness. Our findings indicate a statistically significant correlation between perceived political correctness in advertising and brand image. Furthermore, we observed a negative correlation between political correctness and purchase intention. The results are significant given the variety of consumer social and moral values that exist in Egypt. The paper proposes marketing policy implications and recommendations for organizations, advising the use of tag lines more suitably and avoiding endorsing actions perceived as reinforcing gender roles when targeting specific gendered product consumers
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    The Impact of Dollarization on the Agricultural and Industrial Sectors in the Egyptian Economy Post the 2011 Revolution
    (October university for modern sciences and Arts MSA, 2023-08) Azzam, Islam; Elghouty, Amal; El-Ahmar, Ahmed Adel; Yasser, Nouran; Nemr, Nadra
    This paper will shed light on the fluctuations that happened to the exchange rate in Egypt and from 2011post the 25th of January revolution until 2022. The great dependency on the dollar led to high increase in prices and rise in the inflation rates. In addition, this paper will analyse the impact of dollarization on the various sectors in the Egyptian economy, namely the agricultural and industrial sectors and display the dependency of those sectors on the value of the Dollar. The findings showed that the restrictions on imports raised the prices of imported raw materials and soil fertilizers, which caused shortages and increased the prices of both agricultural and industrial products.
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    The Effects of the social media Platforms on the couple relationships in the Egyptian society (A Survey study)
    (October university for modern sciences and arts, 2023) Shaaban, Rania El Sayed
    Prior to the current technological communication platforms and the digital age tools, the traditional communication tools were done through face to face communications; thus it used to entitle real human interaction requiring the human presence. However, nowadays the proliferation of the internet, smart phones, and social media had revolutionized the human communication process. The social media now allows people to interact beyond the geographical territories; it is supposed to be a beneficial communication tool if used wisely. Yet, it seems that the social media tools are being abused by the humans in the wrong places leading to disintegration among families and couples. So, are the social media tools attacking or ruining the couple relationships in Egypt? This paper is examining the effects of Face book and online dating apps on the couple relationship and how such media tools negatively affect the couple quality time. The survey was answered by 113 respondents.
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    الاتجاهات الحديثة في بحوث ودراسات الأزمات
    (October university for modern sciences and arts, 2022) عجوة, نرمين علي
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    The Treatment of the Egyptian, Ethiopian, and Sudanese Online Newspapers in relation the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam “GERD” with regard to their national interest
    (October university for modern sciences and Arts (MSA), 2023) Ramadan Sayed El Ahl, Eman; ElTarabishi, Maha
    The River Nile is one of the most important sources of water for Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. For Egypt it provides 95% of water needed for different purposes vital to life in Egypt, as for, Sudan it is also a very important source of agriculture and drinking water. Ethiopia, also the water issue is related to their national dream for development and prosperity. Egypt has depended on the River Nile as a source of water supply, since ancient history. The fact that the River Nile is shared by other countries in the African continent has created concerns between those countries. Proposals to build a dam at the source of the River Nile in Ethiopia have been made for years. Ethiopia actually started to build the renaissance Dam in May 2011, and since then it has been a controversial occurrence regarding the negative impact it would have on both Egypt and Sudan, mainly manifested in water supply shortage. The three main countries afflicted by the building of this dam will have drastic consequences. For many years negotiations have been happening regarding agreements on the terms of building the dam, as it will have consequences on all three countries. Since negotiations started there has been no plan announced to the public regarding the reservoir filling rate which has now posed a problem.
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    “Usage of technology and its impact on the academic motivation and performance of Mass Communication Students”
    (October university for modern sciences and Arts (MSA), 2023) Ezzeldin Galal, Samar
    Technology is around us everywhere and everything we do. Nowadays, students everywhere depend on technology and use it daily. Technology plays an important role in their routine life. They use technology for entertainment, searching, learning, and getting new information. Education should adopt technology and improve its system, to cope with young and new generations and attract their attention and interests. And to cope with all academic systems all over the world. Objective: To know the impact of using technology in Mass Communication schools and departments on the academic motivation and performance of the students, and how it effects on their achievements. Problem statement: Students and young generations use technology in all fields, so academic and education systems should cope with this new technique. AS it’s a good chance to apply new methods and technology systems inside classes to attract students. And also, prepare them to join the new and advanced markets when they got graduated.
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    "القيم الاجتماعية وقضية الهوية المصرية في دراما مسلسل "سابع جار
    (October university for modern sciences and Arts (MSA), 2023) Mostafa El Zahed, Hala; Y. Habib, Mary