Statistics for MSAR
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Forecasting the performance and emissions of a diesel engine powered by waste cooking biodiesel with carbon nano additives using tree-based, least square boost and Gaussian regression models | 285 |
Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Amine Containing Drugs Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Band of Silver or Gold Nanoparticles RS-502 (RSPAC 2-8) | 56 |
Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oil and lipoidal matter of the flowers and pods of Tipuana tipu growing in Egypt | 43 |
Is the carotenoid production from Phaffia rhodozyma yeast genuinely sustainable? a comprehensive analysis of biocompatibility, environmental assessment, and techno-economic constraints | 37 |
The problematic of authenticity and contemporaneity in modern and contemporary Arab thought | 35 |
الاتجاهات الحديثة في بحوث ودراسات الأخبار الزائفة | 35 |
The Effects of the social media Platforms on the couple relationships in the Egyptian society (A Survey study) | 33 |
الاتجاهات الحديثة في بحوث ودراسات استخدامات الذكاء الاصطناعي في الصحافة | 32 |
Isolation of New Cytotoxic Metabolites from Cleome droserifolia Growing in Egypt | 30 |