Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence study of rhein as the main metabolite of diacerein

Show simple item record Mohammed S.A. Elhabak M.A. Eldardiri M.
dc.contributor.other National Organization of Drug Control and Research
dc.contributor.other Dokki
dc.contributor.other Egypt; Pharmaceutics Department
dc.contributor.other Faculty of Pharmacy
dc.contributor.other Alahrm
dc.contributor.other Canadian University
dc.contributor.other Giza
dc.contributor.other Egypt; Bioequivalence Center
dc.contributor.other Modern Science and Arts University
dc.contributor.other 6th October
dc.contributor.other Egypt 2020-01-09T20:40:44Z 2020-01-09T20:40:44Z 2019
dc.identifier.issn 18785352
dc.identifier.other PubMed ID :
dc.description Scopus
dc.description.abstract A simple, rapid and fully-validated liquid chromatographic method (RP - HPLC) with fluorescence detection was developed for the analysis of rhein (as the main metabolite of diacerein) in human plasma. The separation was performed using an ODS C 18 column with a mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile:methanol:phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and the flow rate was1.0 mL/min. The flourimetric detection was performed at 2 excitation wavelengths ? ex = 440 nm & 338 nm and one emission wavelength at ? em = 520 nm. The developed method was validated according to Food and Drug administration (FDA) guidelines for bioanalytical method validation. The pharmacokinetic parameters of the test and the reference were determined and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) between parameters of the two brands was calculated. The relative bioavailability was found to be 89%. This method was successfully applied for the routine bioequivalence analysis of diacerein in plasma. � 2019 en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier B.V. en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Arabian Journal of Chemistry
dc.subject Bioequivalence en_US
dc.subject Diacerein en_US
dc.subject HPLC flourimetry en_US
dc.subject Rhein en_US
dc.subject Biochemistry en_US
dc.subject Chromatographic analysis en_US
dc.subject Liquid chromatography en_US
dc.subject Metabolites en_US
dc.subject Pharmacokinetics en_US
dc.subject Bioequivalence en_US
dc.subject Chromatographic methods en_US
dc.subject Diacerein en_US
dc.subject Food and Drug Administration en_US
dc.subject HPLC flourimetry en_US
dc.subject Pharmacokinetic parameters en_US
dc.subject Relative bioavailability en_US
dc.subject Rhein en_US
dc.subject Analysis of variance (ANOVA) en_US
dc.title Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence study of rhein as the main metabolite of diacerein en_US
dc.type Article en_US
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dcterms.source Scopus
dc.identifier.doi PubMed ID :
dc.Affiliation October University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)

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