Antiulcerogenic effect of Cuphea ignea extract against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats

Show simple item record Mousa A.M. El-Sammad N.M. Hassan S.K. Madboli A.E.N.A. Hashim A.N. Moustafa E.S. Bakry S.M. Elsayed E.A.
dc.contributor.other Department of Biochemistry
dc.contributor.other National Research Centre
dc.contributor.other Dokki
dc.contributor.other Cairo
dc.contributor.other Egypt; Department of Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Research
dc.contributor.other National Research Centre
dc.contributor.other Dokki
dc.contributor.other Cairo
dc.contributor.other Egypt; Department of Phytochemistry and Plant Systematics
dc.contributor.other National Research Centre
dc.contributor.other Dokki
dc.contributor.other Cairo
dc.contributor.other Egypt; October University of Modern Sciences and Arts
dc.contributor.other 6th October City
dc.contributor.other Egypt; Bioproducts Research Department
dc.contributor.other Zoology Department
dc.contributor.other King Saud University
dc.contributor.other Riyadh
dc.contributor.other Saudi Arabia; Department of Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products
dc.contributor.other National Research Centre
dc.contributor.other Dokki
dc.contributor.other Cairo
dc.contributor.other Egypt 2020-01-09T20:40:30Z 2020-01-09T20:40:30Z 2019
dc.identifier.issn 14726882
dc.identifier.other PubMedID
dc.description Scopus
dc.description.abstract Background: Cuphea ignea is one of the herbal resources belonging to Lythraceae family. Some species of this family have been used traditionally in South and Central America's folk medicine for treating stomach disorders. Therefore, the present study was performed to evaluate the gastropreventive effect of aqueous ethanolic extract of C. ignea aerial parts on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. Methods: Gastric ulcers were induced in Sprague Dawley rats using one oral dose of absolute ethanol (1.5 mL/rat). The C. ignea aerial parts extract at doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg body weight and ranitidine (a reference drug) at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight were orally administrated daily for 7 days before ulcer induction. One hour after ethanol administration blood samples were collected and then stomachs of sacrificed rats were subjected to biochemical, macroscopic and microscopic studies. Results: Oral administration of C. ignea extract significantly attenuated gastric ulcer as revealed by significant reduction in the gastric ulcer index and volume of gastric juice while significantly increased preventive percentage, gastric pH value and pepsin activity. Pre-Treatment of C. ignea extract markedly improved the serum level of TNF-?, the gastric MPO activity and NO content. Furthermore, C. ignea pre-Treatment significantly increased the gastric levels of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants namely CAT, SOD, GSH-Px, and GSH with concomitant reduction in MDA level compared with those in the ethanol group. These results were further supported by histopathological findings which revealed the curing effect of C. ignea on the hemorrhagic shock induced by ethanol toxicity. Conclusions: C. ignea extract showed a potential gastroprotective effect on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer, and its effect may be mediated through suppression of oxidative stress and gastric inflammation. � 2019 The Author(s). en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher BioMed Central Ltd. en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
dc.relation.ispartofseries 19
dc.subject Antioxidants en_US
dc.subject Cuphea ignea en_US
dc.subject Gastric ulcer en_US
dc.subject Histopathology en_US
dc.subject Oxidative stress en_US
dc.subject Phenolic compounds en_US
dc.subject alcohol en_US
dc.subject antiulcer agent en_US
dc.subject catalase en_US
dc.subject Cuphea ignea extract en_US
dc.subject glutathione en_US
dc.subject glutathione peroxidase en_US
dc.subject malonaldehyde en_US
dc.subject myeloperoxidase en_US
dc.subject nitric oxide en_US
dc.subject pepsin A en_US
dc.subject plant extract en_US
dc.subject ranitidine en_US
dc.subject superoxide dismutase en_US
dc.subject tumor necrosis factor en_US
dc.subject unclassified drug en_US
dc.subject adult en_US
dc.subject aerial plant part en_US
dc.subject animal experiment en_US
dc.subject animal model en_US
dc.subject animal tissue en_US
dc.subject antiulcer activity en_US
dc.subject aqueous solution en_US
dc.subject Article en_US
dc.subject blood sampling en_US
dc.subject body weight en_US
dc.subject controlled study en_US
dc.subject Cuphea en_US
dc.subject Cuphea ignea en_US
dc.subject enzyme activity en_US
dc.subject ethanol-induced gastric ulcer en_US
dc.subject hemorrhagic shock en_US
dc.subject histopathology en_US
dc.subject male en_US
dc.subject nonhuman en_US
dc.subject protein blood level en_US
dc.subject rat en_US
dc.subject Sprague Dawley rat en_US
dc.subject stomach juice en_US
dc.subject stomach pH en_US
dc.subject stomach protection en_US
dc.subject stomach ulcer en_US
dc.subject treatment duration en_US
dc.title Antiulcerogenic effect of Cuphea ignea extract against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats en_US
dc.type Article en_US
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dcterms.source Scopus
dc.identifier.doi PubMedID
dc.Affiliation October University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)

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