The diagnostic and prognostic utility of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in predicting rates of pregnancy success in female patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Show simple item record Mohamed Mohamed Mostafa, Maryam 2019-12-30T09:48:49Z 2019-12-30T09:48:49Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Copyright © 2019 MSA University. All Rights Reserved. en_US
dc.description.abstract Infertility is a major social and health problem, where it directly affects couples, destroy futures, and end relationships. In Egypt, one of the main reasons of infertility, is the cervical erosion which is the presence of glandular cells on the outer surface of the cervix that results in cervical electrocautery and potentially causing infertility. Modern medicine focuses on the types of reliable treatments and cures for infertility such as, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In the current study, the diagnostic capabilities of the Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), are tested as a viable method to evaluate and predict fertility rates, as a method to enhance the (IVF) procedure; where the AMH levels correlate with the number of early antral follicles and correspond them with the ovarian response in (IVF). The results were produced by ELISA and Elecsys assay, in order to measure the AMH levels in the peripheral blood. through the test results it has been concluded that the (AMH) levels correlate directly to the levels of fertile egg production numbers in the ovaries. However, the (AMH) levels are indirectly proportional to the age of the patients, as the levels decrease as the patients' age increase. These results signify the importance of the (AMH) at the events of fertilization, and its potential uses in the enhancement of (IVF) procedures. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Ashraf Bakar Dr. Yasser El Nahas en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher October University for Modern Sciences and Arts en_US
dc.subject جامعة أكتوبرللعلوم الحديثة و الأداب en_US
dc.subject October University for Modern Sciences and Arts en_US
dc.subject University for Modern Sciences and Arts en_US
dc.subject MSA University en_US
dc.subject Infertility en_US
dc.subject oocytes en_US
dc.subject Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) en_US
dc.subject ELISA and VIDAS assay en_US
dc.title The diagnostic and prognostic utility of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in predicting rates of pregnancy success in female patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) en_US
dc.type Other en_US
dc.Affiliation October University for modern sciences and Arts (MSA)  

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