Soliman, KarimAbouHeikal, MohamedWagdy, AhmedElFadaly, LamyaaZaazou, NadaMaged., FatemaAbd Elzaher., MohamedOmran., Hassan2019-11-262019-11-262018 anterior teeth esthetics is one of the most challenging dental managements. A 24 years old male patient came to MSA Fixed prosthodontics clinics seeking a fixed bridge for anterior teeth. However, medical and dental history with clinical examination showed that he had Amelogensis Imperfecta in the anterior region with extracted all four 1st permanent molars and 0.3mm deep bite due to traumatic enamel loss in the four anterior teeth. Digital planning (3 shape software) was used to plan for surgical and prosthetic treatment. Surgical bone augmentation using autogenous chin graft, implants placement, periodontal crown lengthening and full coverage crowns were made to restore function and esthetics.enOctober university for modern sciences and artsuniversity of modern sciences and artsجامعة اكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الادابMSA universityDental ImplantMULTIDISCIPLINARY APPRAOCH TO RESTORE FUNCTION AND ESTHETICS OF A CASE WITH AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA AND MALOCCLUSION USING COMPLETE DIGITAL WORKFLOWOther