Farahat, HadeelAbdel Mohaiman, Dalia2020-02-082020-02-0820181. Billmeyer, F. W. & Saltzman, M., Principles of color technology, New York: Wiley, 1981. 2. Chiazarry Suzy, The complete book of color, Elements book limited, Australia, 1998. 3. Cole Harris,Understanding Colour Schemes With The Colour Wheel., 2013, Availableathttp://budgetdtecorating.about.com/od/usingcolor/ss/color_wheel_10.htm. 4. Giovanni S. Moretti, A calculation of colours Doctor of philosophy, computer science, Massey university, Palmerston, North New,Zealand,2010. 5. Kwallek Nancy, Color in Office Environments, Implications vol.05 issue, available at http://www.informedesign.org/_news/jan_v05r-p.pdf. 6. Linda Mayer and Prof Rashid Bhikha, The Physiology and Psychology of Color, A science of medicine , the art of care ,July, 2014. 7. Stephen Westland and Meong Jin Shin, The relationship between consumer color preferences and product-color choices, Journal of the International Color Association, ISSN 2227-1309, 2015. 8. Xiao-Ping Gao, John H. Xin, Investigation of Human’s Emotional Responses on Colors, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2016. 9. https://www.architectureartdesigns.com/16-imposant-ideas-to-use-yellow-in-yourinterior. 10. http://www.arttherapyblog.com/online/color-meanings-symbolism/. 11. http://www.color-meanings.com/soul-color-meanings-what-color-is-your-soul-and-whatdoes-it-mean/. 12. https://www.homedit.com › Living Room › Home. 13. Lahealthcaredesign.com/psychology-of-the-color-green-and-its-effect-in-interior-design. 14. https:/www.interiordezine.com/color for Interiors/. 15. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/…color-for-designers-part-1-the-meaning.https://t.ly/y5qg5MSA Google ScholarWe all need to create a healing and peaceful atmosphere around ourselves. The colors in the homes and surroundings affect our physical, emotional, and mental health. By carefully choosing the colors that surround us we are indirectly caring for ourselves. If we look at the colors we choose, we can understand many clues to our personalities and inner feelings. The colors we are attracted to over long periods of time are linked to our personality type, our strengths and weaknesses, as well as indicating our potential in life. These colors preferences, which often remain unchanged for our whole live, are known as "soul color”. In this research we are going to focuses on the relation between choosing colors from the psychological point of view and their uses in the living rooms.enCustomer Favorite ColorDesigning Living RoomsThe Customer Favorite Color as an Effective Element in Designing Living RoomsArticle