Hala Tarek ShaabanMalak Ahmed Shaaban2025-02-272025-02-272024Marketinghttps://repository.msa.edu.eg/handle/123456789/6339Faculty of Management Graduation Project 2024- 2025Purpose – This research aims to study the mediation effect of customer engagement on the relationship between storytelling marketing and purchase intention. Design/methodology/approach – The study utilized a mixed-method approach, incorporating both primary and secondary data. The secondary data involved a review of existing literature to explore how storytelling marketing impacts purchase intention and how customer engagement mediates this effect. Primary data were gathered through in-depth interviews with customers and marketing experts and an online questionnaire completed by 250 respondents familiar with Fatis' storytelling campaigns, assessing their engagement and purchase intentions. Findings – Analysis of the data using SPSS and SMART PLS revealed that storytelling marketing significantly influences purchase intention, with customer engagement playing a critical mediating role in this relationship. Implications – This research highlights the importance of integrating storytelling marketing into brand strategies to strengthen customer engagement and drive purchase intention. Businesses can leverage storytelling techniques to build emotional connections with customers, fostering deeper engagement that ultimately translates into higher purchase intent. The findings suggest that brands like Fatis can enhance customer loyalty and competitive advantage by crafting authentic, emotionally resonate stories. Managers should also consider tailoring storytelling content across different platforms to maintain relevance and reinforce brand identity. Furthermore, this study offers a foundation for future research into the varying forms of storytelling and their impacts on different consumer segments. Originality/value – This research contributes to understanding the dynamics between storytelling marketing and purchase intention, emphasizing the mediating role of customer engagement in strengthening this connection for Fatis' storytelling campaigns.enstorytelling marketingcustomer engagementpurchase intentionmediation effectMSA UniversityUniversity of Modern Sciences and ArtsOctober University of Modern Sciences and ArtsExamining the Mediating Effect of Customer Engagement on Storytelling Marketing and Purchase Intention: Applied on FatisOther