Farag M.A.Westphal H.Eissa T.F.Wessjohann L.A.Meyer A.Department of PharmacognosyCollege of PharmacyCairo UniversityKasr El Aini St.Cairo11562Egypt; Department of ChemistrySchool of Sciences and EngineeringAmerican University in CairoNew Cairo11835Egypt; Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine ResearchFahrenheit Str.6BremenD-28359Germany; Department of GeosciencesBremen UniversityFahrenheit Str.6BremenD-28359Germany; Department of PharmacognosyCollege of PharmacyModern Science and Arts UniversityCairo12566Egypt; Department of Bioorganic ChemistryLeibniz Institute of Plant BiochemistryWeinberg 3HalleD-06120Germany2020-01-092020-01-09201714203049https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules22122195PubMed ID 29232862https://t.ly/AXZxyScopusThe effect of three oxylipin analogues, a terpenoid intermediate and wounding on the secondary metabolism of the soft corals Sarcophyton glaucum and Lobophyton pauciflorum was assessed. Examined oxylipins included prostaglandin (PG-E1), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and arachidonic acid (AA) in addition to the diterpene precursor geranylgeranylpyrophosphate (GGP). Post-elicitation, metabolites were extracted from coral heads and analyzed via UPLC-MS followed by multivariate data analyses. Both supervised and unsupervised data analyses were used for sample classification. Multivariate data analysis revealed clear segregation of PG-E1 and MeJA elicited S. glaucum at 24 and 48 h post elicitation from other elicitor samples and unelicited control group. PG-E1 was found more effective in upregulating S. glaucum terpene/sterol levels compared to MeJA. Metabolites showing upregulation in S. glaucum include campestene-triol and a cembranoid, detected at ca. 30- and 2-fold higher levels compared to unelicited corals. Such an elicitation effect was less notable in the other coral species L. pauciflorum, suggesting a differential oxylipin response in soft corals. Compared to MeJA and PG, no elicitation effect was observed for GGP, AA or wounding on the metabolism of either coral species. � 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.EnglishOctober University for Modern Sciences and ArtsUniversity for Modern Sciences and ArtsMSA Universityجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآدابCembranoidsChemometricsOxylipinsSoft coralsSterolsacetic acidarachidonic acidcyclopentane derivativejasmonic acid methyl esteroxylipinprostaglandin E1terpeneanimalAnthozoachemistrydrug effecthigh performance liquid chromatographymass spectrometrymetabolismprincipal component analysissecondary metabolismAcetatesAlprostadilAnimalsAnthozoaArachidonic AcidChromatography, High Pressure LiquidCyclopentanesMass SpectrometryOxylipinsPrincipal Component AnalysisSecondary MetabolismTerpenesEffect of oxylipins, terpenoid precursors and wounding on soft corals' secondary metabolism as analyzed via UPLC/MS and chemometricsArticlehttps://doi.org/10.3390/molecules22122195PubMed ID 29232862