Abbas, Karim MamdouhWadi, Osama WagdiStefea, Petru2019-12-152019-12-152013Indian mutual fund industry: Opportunities and challenges By: Kale, Jayant R.; Panchapagesan, Venkatesh IIMB MANAGEMENT REVIEW Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 245-258 Published: DEC 2012 Times Cited: 1 2. Title: [not available] By: Reilly,, F. K.; Brown, K. C. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Published: 2003 Publisher: Thomson South-Western, Mason, OH Times Cited: 45 3. Costly search and mutual fund flows By: Sirri, ER; Tufano, P JOURNAL OF FINANCE Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1589-1622 Published: OCT 19982284-7995 Number: WOS:000422179700049The present research aims to overview the mutual fund in Egypt. The establishment of the first mutual funds was achieved in 1994. Nowadays, the total mutual funds reached 90 funds, approximately. The income funds represent the largest share of the Egyptian mutual funds (40%), growth funds (25%) and the private equity funds is at least (1%). The total population of the Egyptian mutual funds reached 22. Finally, the study proved that the Egyptian mutual funds have an impact on fund return, total risk and systemic; when analysis relationship between risk and return. The study found influencing for mutual fund's objectives on Sharpe and Terynor ratios.en-USUniversity for Egyptian mutual fundsEgyptperformance of mutual fundsmutual funds classificationmutual fundsEGYPTIAN MUTUAL FUNDS ANALYSIS: HISTORY, PERFORMANCE, OBJECTIVES, RISK AND RETURNArticle