Nicola, MinaElberry, AhmedSayed, OssamaHussein, RaghdaSaeed, HaithamAbdelrahim, Mohamed2019-11-092019-11-092018-07Cited References in Web of Science Core Collection: 310741-238X Number: WOS:000438990000014We have investigated the effect of adding a pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI) training device to verbal counselling on pulmonary function and inhalation technique. A total of 304 adult asthmatic subjects (> 18 years old) were enrolled in a 3-month study of assessment and education. They were divided into an investigation group (Trainhaler plus Flo-Tone and verbal counselling, n = 261, mean age 49.2 years) and a control group (verbal counselling only, n = 43, mean age 48.7 years). Pulmonary function and inhalation technique were evaluated, mistakes noted, and the correct technique advised at three consecutive monthly visits. Visits also included verbal pMDI counselling (both groups) and training device coaching (investigation group). By visit 2, the mean number of technique errors decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in both groups (investigation group p < 0.001). The investigation group demonstrated a marked decrease in the frequency of the critical error of maintaining a slow inhalation rate until the lungs are full-a technique difficult to learn via verbal counselling alone. The improvement in pulmonary function was significant from the second clinic visit in the investigation group (p < 0.05) and from the third visit in both groups (p < 0.001). Use of a training device combined with verbal counselling improved inhalation technique. An earlier, significant improvement was also noted in pulmonary function.enConventional verbal counsellingFEV1pMDIPulmonary functionTrainhaler deviceINHALER DEVICESTERBUTALINETECHNOLOGYTURBUHALERERRORSLIFEThe Impact of Adding a Training Device to Familiar Counselling on Inhalation Technique and Pulmonary Function of AsthmaticsArticle