Deshish, Amro MahmoudMohamed, Karim Alaa2020-10-172020-10-172020Copyright © 2020 MSA University. All Rights Reserved. Of Engineering Graduation Project 2019 - 2020More than one hundred years ago, our current electric grid came to life. When the need for electricity was primitive and communities had local power generation. Nowadays the demand for electricity exceeds the ability of our systems. To overcome these problems, special forces are being deployed to work on modifying and updating the existing electrical grid to make it more reliable, capable and adaptive to changes. The Smart Energy Metering system is based on an idea of a grid that resembles a network that connects every consumer, supplier, or power source to a network that has a 2-way communication system. This two-way connection where power and data interchange between the utility and its customers. Our project will establish such connection using an Electrical Grid Simulator. Using a software, analysis will be performed on the input data, seeking a pattern in order to meet the targeted balance, which the demanded energy is equal to or less than. Thus, decreasing power outages, minimizing overheated transmitting lines and an overall more reliable electrical grid.enUniversity of Modern Sciences and ArtsOctober University for Modern Sciences and Artsجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الآدابMSA UniversityComputer Engineering SystemsSmart EnergySmart Energy MeteringOther