Walid Abdelaziz, AbdallahHisham Fathi, Amr2021-07-262021-07-262021Copyright © 2020 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.http://repository.msa.edu.eg/xmlui/handle/123456789/4625Faculty Of Engineering Graduation Project 2020- 2021Computer Numerical Control machines (CNC) have rolled out progressive improvements within the manufacturing areas. In the past, accomplishing productivity up to the ideal level was not possible because of number of downsides like inconvenience of shapes and sizes, absence of skilled workers, heaps of wastages and scraps because of errors, quality levels and precision. By utilizing CNC, all these downsides can be overcome, and this will be the objective of the project to show the CNC importance. The aim of this project is to design and manufacture a Desktop CNC Router machine. Desktop machine is not a replacement for its full-sized counterpart but it’s less expensive, easy to use and requires small area. In this project, designing and manufacturing a prototype CNC router will occur after reviewing the most famous previously existing models. The design calculations will be done for choosing the dimensions of different elements of the machine. Then developing an electrical system which includes control, programming and the interfacing between the control unit, computer unit and the machineenجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآدابOctober university for modern sciences and artsMSA UniversityUniversity of Modern EngineeringManufacture of a Desktop CNC-RouterCNC-RouterDesign and Manufacture of a Desktop CNC-RouterOther