Hosam, YousiefHazem, DoniaOmar, Mohamed2021-07-042021-07-042021Copyright © 2021 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.http://repository.msa.edu.eg/xmlui/handle/123456789/4600Inheritance is a problem that is well known in the Egyptian culture but does not get much attention. Women in the Egyptian society by big percentage do not inherit for different reasons, some for greed, some for-culture norms and other reasons. It is very important to focus and highlight this problem as it is getting bigger by the day. A lot of women and hurt by this and face a lot of problems as getting their inheritance could help them financially, economically, and by other means. The problem with inheritance that made the researcher and his group want to talk about it is that the media does not talk about this problem and rarely even mention it. This problem is present in the whole world and has widespread in Egypt. And since the problem has widespread in Egypt, the researcher and his group decided to stand to women inheritance rights and fight it by making Your Inheritance campaign. It an awareness campaign that aims to change this behavior and the discrimination women faceenmodern science and arts universityMSA Universityجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآدابOctober University for Modern Sciences and ArtsInheritancebroadcastingFaculty Of Mass Communication Graduation Project 2020 - 2021Mass CommunicationInheritance my Inheritance is your willميراثك .. ميراثي وصيتكOther