Alhajj, RedaMucci, Lorelei ADolph, MichaelLiu, ShuhongAl‐Mami, AmalBakkar, AshrafGerke, TravisTeng, Liang HongPetersen, Lars FAlshalalfa, MohammedBismar, Tarek A2020-02-042020-02-042014-02 GOOGLE SCHOLARKeywords ERG rearrangements, Gleason score, molecular pathways, ERG-like gene signature, prostate cancer, prognosisen-USuniversity of prognosisprostate cancerERG-like gene signaturemolecular pathwaysGleason scoreERG rearrangementsInterrogation of ERG gene rearrangements in prostate cancer identifies a prognostic 10‐gene signature with relevant implication to patients' clinical outcome‏Article