Yasser, Youmna2021-01-232021-01-232020Copyright © 2020 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.http://repository.msa.edu.eg/xmlui/handle/123456789/4341Computer sciences distinguished graduation projects 2020Shopping is an activity done by all people. We go to supermarkets, fashion stores, book stores to satisfy our daily needs from food, knowledge and clothes. People are always searching for best qualities, offers and prices to satisfy their own needs with reasonable prices sometimes we became victims of unnecessary products due to deceptive market campaigns so we depend on other people’s reviews and opinion so if the market satisfied a small circle around you from friends, family and neighbors you will be satisfied. The app suggests products with reasonable prices that satisfy your own needs and it also can be recommended for you by a friend. If you want to buy a gift for someone the app is responsible to recommend useful gifts after the user enters some info about the gift receiver for example if he/she loves reading the app will recommend a book if he is a kid the app will suggest a bicycle.enOctober University for Modern Sciences and ArtsUniversity of Modern Sciences and Artsجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الآدابMSA UniversityShoplicationShoplicationOther