El-Sayed A.A.M.Arafa A.A.M.Khalil M.Hassan A.Department of MathematicsFaculty of ScienceAlexandria UniversityAlexandriaEgypt; Department of MathematicsFaculty of SciencePort Said UniversityPort SaidEgypt; Department of MathematicsFaculty of EngineeringOctober University forModern Sciences and Arts(MSA University)GizaEgypt; Department of Science and Mathematical EngineeringFaculty of Petroleum and Mining EngineeringSuez UniversitySuezEgypt2020-01-092020-01-09201623569336https://doi.org/10.18576/pfda/020203PubMed ID :http://www.naturalspublishing.com/Article.asp?ArtcID=11230ScopusIn this paper, we propose a fractional order model for the propagation behavior of computer virus under human intervention to study the spread of computer virus across the internet. Numerical simulations are used to show the behavior of the solutions of the proposed fractional order system. � 2016 NSP.EnglishComputer virusFractional calculusNumerical solutionPredictor-corrector methodA mathematical model with memory for propagation of computer virus under human interventionArticlehttps://doi.org/10.18576/pfda/020203PubMed ID :