Sabry Soliman " 173751 ", Basel,Makram Lotfy " 174103 ", Vironika,Khaled " 173369 ", Youssef,Moataz ALY " 174303 ", Aly,Zaazou " Supervisor ", Dr. Zainab,2021-05-062021-05-062020Copyright © 2020 MSA University. All Rights Reserved. 420-IIIn an increasingly competitive global climate, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a huge effect on the economies of countries due to their large number and the share of the workforce involved. Small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in developing countries, make up the vast majority of enterprises and create most of the jobs (Karami, M., & Tang, J. 2019). In entrepreneurship research, entrepreneurial orientation has been found to have a positive impact on firm performance. Firms with high levels of entrepreneurial orientation tend to constantly scan and monitor their operating environment in order to find new opportunities and strengthen their competitive positions (Covin and Miles, 1999).enOrigin of EOAutonomyCompetitive aggressivenessPro-activenessInnovativenessThe Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on SMEs Performance Applied on (Audelineco, Alqawafel)MKT 420-IIOther