Reda, AhmedEl Baz, Mohamed A.2020-09-012020-09-012019-040070-9484 The beneficial effects of simultaneous soft tissue augmentation along with immediate post-extraction implant placement in the esthetic zone have been clearly demonstrated regarding the preservation and maintenance of soft tissue architecture. However, the potential of soft tissue augmentation to preserve the vertical height of thin labial bone plates is not fully evident. Research question: Is it necessary to apply a soft tissue graft with immediate implants in the esthetic zone if preservation of the height of a thin labial plate is desired? Methods: Twenty patients with single hopeless teeth in the esthetic zone having thin facial bone plates (<2mm) were equally and randomly divided into 2 groups; (A) who received immediate implants only (control) and (B) who received immediate implants and connective tissue graft secured over the implant in split-thickness facial and palatal pouches (test). Amount of vertical marginal bone loss from the facial plate was measured over 6 months. Results: A statistically-significant difference (at P ≤ 0.05) existed between the mean values of vertical bone loss of both groups. The amount of vertical bone loss was limited more in the test group (B). Conclusion: Simultaneous soft tissue augmentation with immediate implants in the esthetic zone demonstrated beneficial effects regarding the preservation of the vertical level of thin labial plates.en-USthin biotypeconnective tissue graftmarginal bone lossdiate implantsesthetic zoneDOES THE PLACEMENT OF A FREE CONNECTIVE TISSUE GRAFT IN CONJUNCTION WITH IMMEDIATELY PLACED DENTAL IMPLANTS IN FRESH EXTRACTION SOCKETS PRESERVE THE LABIAL MARGINAL BONE LEVEL? A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALArticle