Ahmed Mohamed, Yasmine2021-01-242021-01-242020Copyright © 2020 MSA University. All Rights Reserved.http://repository.msa.edu.eg/xmlui/handle/123456789/4376This research represents a proposed system for animating 3D face models digitally to replicate facial expressions of a human actor. The rst phase of development is using OpenCV face landmarks detection algorithm to detect the face of the human, extract the facial features and landmarks (X,Y) coordinates. There are two approaches of an- imating the 3D face model. The rst approach is rigging the 3D model's face in Blender and controlling these rigs in Unity by scripts. However, face rigging is a challenging complex modelling task. Fur- thermore, the 3D model is a mesh that consists vertices that connects together to form triangles that form the nal outcome of the mesh. Therefore, the second approach used is vertex displacement which is animating the 3D model by changing the position of its vertices using Unity scripts. Several key points where added where each key point is attached to a list of vertices that control the mesh area that is re- quired to be animated. This proposed system aims to facilitate the process of animating 3D face models digitally rather than ine cient hand drawn sketches which are time consumingenجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآدابOctober university for modern sciences and artsUniversity of Modern Sciences and ArtsMSA UniversitySoftware Proposal DocumentSmart face character animation.Software Proposal Document for project Smart face character animation.Other