Momtaz, OmarHaitham, NourjahanSamir, MariamAmir, MaryRaouf, Miriam2022-07-202022-07-202021Faculty Of Dentistry Graduation Project incisor hypoplasia is a rare condition affecting the permanent first molars and anterior teeth compromising function and esthetics. A Female Patient came to MSA University’s outpatient clinic suffering from low self-confidence and inability to chew food. Upon examination and investigations, she was diagnosed with Molar Incisor Hypoplasia where her anterior teeth and first molars in both maxilla and mandible were affected. A detailed treatment plan was made starting with: I. periodontal therapy II. full ceramic crowns in upper anterior teeth and direct veneers in lowers III. endodontic treatment in the molars IV. implants in the missing lower molar and bridge on the other side. The chosen treatment plan showed great results and satisfaction of the patientenOctober university for modern sciences and artsuniversity of modern sciences and artsMSA universityجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الأدابComprehensive Case CareComprehensive Case Care (3)Other