Mohamed, KareemAziz, AmrMohamed, BelalAbdel‐Hakeem, KhaledMostafa, MostafaAttia, Ayman2020-02-222020-02-2220191099-1174 Google ScholarMoney exchange is one of the most common day‐to‐day activities performed by humans in the daily market. This paper presents an approach to money tracking through a blockchain. The proposed approach consists of three main components: serial number localization, serial number recognition, and a blockchain to store all transactions and ownership transfers. The approach was tested with a total of 110 banknotes of different currency types and achieved an average accuracy of 91.17%. We conducted a user study in real‐time with 21 users, and the mean accuracy across all users was 86.42%. Each user gave us feedback on the proposed approach, and most of them welcomed the ideaenOctober University for University for image processingbanknote serial number recognition (SNR)blockchainBlockchain for tracking serial numbers in money exchangesArticle