Daw A.F.Abdalla M.A.Elhennawy H.M.Communication and Electronics DeptMSA UniversityCairoEgypt; Electronic Engineering DeptMTC CollageCairoEgypt; Electronics and Communications DeptAin Shams UniversityCairoEgypt2020-01-092020-01-0920149.78E+12https://doi.org/10.1109/LAPC.2014.6996328https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6996328ScopusThis paper presents, for the first time, a coupled gap transmission line resonator based on dual composite right/left handed microstrip structure. This introduced topology proposes dual band with high selective sharp band pass response. The whole structure is designed using only one cell comprised using a shunt tank of interdigital capacitor and strip inductor, and series tank formed using patch capacitor with small strip inductor. Moreover, the paper elaborates the equivalent circuit model, analytical study, 3D full wave simulation and fabrication measurement results. The results exhibit two sharp insertion loss resonances at 5.8 GHz and 7.7 GHz with associated return loses better than 10 dB. Furthermore, the quality factor demonstrates very high selectivity and equals 194.3 and 142.3 at the two bands, respectively. � 2014 IEEE.EnglishCoupled gap resenatorD-CRLHDual bandMetamaterialCapacitorsMetamaterialsResonatorsTanks (containers)Transmission line theoryCompact transmission linesComposite right/left-handedCoupled gap resenatorDual BandEquivalent circuit modelFull-wave simulationsInter-digital capacitorsTransmission line resonatorsElectric linesDual band high selective compact transmission line gap resonatorConference Paperhttps://doi.org/10.1109/LAPC.2014.6996328