Farrag, S. IKamel, E. A.2019-11-262019-11-262015Cited References in Web of Science Core Collection: 10978-1-4673-7545-0https://cutt.ly/ceBSmIuAccession Number: WOS:000380397900143To compute values of electric currents induced in bodies of MRI operators as influenced by different motion speeds and by different scanner intensities, meanwhile verifying whether the guidelines recommended by the ICNIRP for occupational exposures is or not exceeded. Groups of MRI operators were approached. Three Motion speeds were recorded to perform the calculations. An equation was generated to describe the variability of induced electric currents with different motion speeds and magnetic flux densities of main magnets. Calculations based on the equation for induced electric currents clearly showed that, the magnet intensity was the most influential factor on the induced current values and surpassed the worker motion speed by sevenfold. Variations in magnet flux density and motion speed of operators influence intensity of induced currents in bodies of MRI workers. Use of actively shielded magnets is a must to reduce the intensities of induced currents in bodies of operators.enUniversity for Occupational exposureMRI safetyinduced current densitySpecific Absorption RateStatic magnetic fieldsInfluence of motion speed in static magnetic fields of MRI scanners on the density of induced electric currents in bodies of MRI operatorsBook chapter