Pavi, M.Kahil M.E.Joef Stefen InstituteLjubljanaSlovenia; October University For Modern Sciences and ArtsGizaEgypt; The American University in CairoNew CairoEgypt2020-01-252020-01-25201218951082 ID : and path deviation equations for neutral, charged, spinning and spinning charged test particles, using a modified Bazanski Lagrangian, are derived. We extend this approach to strings and branes. We show how the Bazanski Lagrangian for charged point particles and charged branes arises la Kaluza-Klein from the Bazanski Lagrangian in 5-dimensions. 2012 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien.EnglishBazanski actionGeodesic deviation equationKaluza-Klein theoriesstrings and branesPath and path deviation equations for p-branesArticle ID :