Daw A.F.Abdalla M.A.Elhennawy H.M.Communication and Electronics DeptMSA UniversityCairoEgypt; Electronic Engineering DeptMTC CollageCairoEgypt; Electronics and Communications DeptAin Shams UniversityCairoEgypt2020-01-092020-01-0920169.78E+12https://doi.org/10.1109/MECAP.2016.7790095https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7790095ScopusA compact dual ultra-wide band power dividers based on three cells of dual composite right/left handed microstrip structure presented in this article. This introduced topology proposes dual band for multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing from 1 GHz-4.8 GHz with insertion loss -5 dB for three way power divider. The second band designed for direct sequence ultra-wideband from 6.2 GHz-9.5 GHz with insertion loss -5.2 dB for the divider. The rejection band extended from 5 to 5.8 GHz is introduces to avoid the interference between WLAN and UWB applications. The article elaborates the equivalent circuit model, analytical study, 3D full wave simulation and fabrication measurement results. Furthermore, the design realizes compactness size 45.37 % over conventional T-junction power divider, and also, realizes compactness size 30.05 % over the most recently compact dividers. 2016 IEEE.EnglishD-CRLHD-CRLHDual-UWBMetamaterialThree Way Power DividerEquivalent circuitsFrequency division multiplexingInsertion lossesIntersectionsMetamaterialsOrthogonal frequency division multiplexingStructure (composition)Voltage dividersComposite right/left-handedDirect sequence ultra-widebandDual-UWBEquivalent circuit modelFull-wave simulationsMicrostrip structuresMulti-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexingPower dividerUltra-wideband (UWB)Compact dual wide band D-CRLH three way power dividerConference Paperhttps://doi.org/10.1109/MECAP.2016.7790095