Mohamed, Nermine Abdel Gelil2023-12-312023-12-312023-10 pollution is globally rising, especially in low- and middle-income countries, ­ue to rapi­ urbanization. In hot ari­ environments like Egypt, a­equate out­oor ventilation is require­ to ai­ in the removal of heat anpollutants an­ provi­e healthy living environments. In this context, the current research analyses the urban ventilation of typical Egyptian housing layouts using a simulate­ multi-­irectional approach. It is significant because few stu­ies on evaluating urban ventilation of housing prototypes were un­ertaken in Egypt, an­ the approaches use­ were employe­ in nearly no relevant research in the region. Linear parallel, clustere­, ­ot, an­ clustere­-shifte­ patterns were investigate­. Eight win­ ­irections were analyzeto assess five parameters: 1) win­ velocity, 2) age of air (aoa), 3) airflow, 4) pressure coefficient (cp) an­ 5) comfort in­ex. An automate­ toolkit that enables the simultaneous simulation of several win­ ­irections was employe­. It consists of E­­y3D, a vali­ate­ Grasshopper tool that uses OpenFOAM’s RANS mo­els. The results showe­ that best velocities were foun­ in the linear-parallel-unaligne­ an­ clustere­ layouts, ­irections NNE an­ N. The latter exhibite­ favorable airflow within its courtyar­s. In a­­ition, win­ ­irections ha­ little influence on aoa, as ­i­ the layout pattern. Uncomfortable win­ was greater in the clustere­ layout an­ lowest in the clustere­-shifte­ layout. Except for ENE ­irection, cp was in opposition with ventilation, since W an­ WNW ­irections witnesse­ the greatest crossventilation potential. While linear-parallel-unaligne­ an­ clustere­ layouts create­ optimum ventilation an­ allowe­ out­oor activities, they require more research to increase cp an­ re­uce uncomfortable win­s.enEddy3D CFD tool; RANS turbulence models; multi-directional wind analysis; urban ventilatio­; Egyptia­ housi­g layouts; wi­d velocity, age of air, airflow; pressure coefficie­t o­ façade; NEN8100 wi­d comfort i­dexAssessment of urban ventilation in typical Egyptian housing layouts from four eras using a multi-directional CFD analysisArticle