Mahmoud M.S.Xie L.Faculty of EngineeringMSA UniversityAmer StreetMesaha SquareDokkiEgypt; School of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringNanyang Technological UniversityNanyang AvenueSingapore 639798Singapore2020-01-252020-01-2520022329298 this paper, we consider the problem of robust H ?-filtering for a class of uncertain time-delay systems. This calss is nominally linear and has a known cone-bounded, state-dependent nonlinear term. The parametric uncertainty is real time-varying and the state-delay factor is unknown. We design a nonlinear estimator which renders the estimation error dynamics quadratically stable and provides a guaranteed H?-performance of the filtering error for all admissible uncertainties and unknown state-delay. � 2002 Taylor & Francis Ltd.EnglishH?-filteringNonlinear systemsRiccati equationsRobust stabilityError analysisNonlinear systemsReal time systemsRiccati equationsSystem stabilityError dynamicsFiltering errorH?-filteringTime-delay systemsFilters (for fluids)H?-filtering for a class of nonlinear time-delay systemsArticle