Mohamed, Rana Mamdouh2021-01-272021-01-272020Copyright © 2021 MSA University. All Rights Reserved. sciences distinguished graduation projects 2020Classification of fresh and rotten food such as fruits or vegetables is very important for families that have no time to check the food in their refrigerator daily and people who stock large quantities of the food like retailers. The project aims to classify between fresh and rotten food inside refrigerators using CNN, capturing the food by camera to classify if it is good or not. The images are labeled as fresh or rotten according to their physical appearance. A fruit has been chosen for this project(tomato or apple), they are RGB images, fresh and rotten images of the fruit. The results after training the model were very good as the accuracy reaches to 99% and the model could classify between the fresh and rotten fruit but the project was not applied to refrigerator due to the lake of images of food rot inside of it.enOctober University for Modern Sciences and Artsجامعة أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الآدابUniversity of Modern Sciences and ArtsMSA UniversitySmart System FoodSmart System For Rotten FoodOther